Monday, 6 August 2007

My Day

Today is my 'happy birthing day' according to one of my many 'midwife' friends. It was the day I became a mum. My eldest son, Sean, turned 14 years old today. He has grown and is still growing into a beautiful young man. He brings us a great many laughs with his wicked sense of humour, a little despair with normal issues of a teenage boy wanting to do everything now, not realising that he has his whole life ahead of him. I am so proud of you, my gorgeous boy, and I love you so much. We look forward to enjoying your 15th year with you.

Look what I found today - it is just too cute and I had to share a photo with you.

And having some more fun with zips. I think I have nearly got it. Don't you just love Heather Ross' West Hill range of fabrics. These bags are all heading off to a beautiful young lady for her birthday. Happy Birthday Sarah!!
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Tamara said...

Happy Birthday Sean. Wow, where has that 14 years gone. Love all the photos.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthing Day!

fi said...

happy birthing day indeed, it brings back just how amazing it is to be a mum!love your little zippered creations, have you seen u-handbag? she has some great tutes on zipps, saved my life!!nice to meet you...

Jade said...

How lovely it is to see your little one turning into a bigger boy! Bet the 14 years just whizzed by in a flash.

Love your latest creations, too. And the russian doll fabric is amazing...its starting to run out online. Bah!

Corrie said...

happy birthing day and could puppy get any cuter!!!!!!!!!! oh my too cute! love the stash n dash they look so good all made as a set and I'm totally in love with anything matroushka doll at the moment!

Thimbleanna said...

Happy Birthing Day! Looks like your little guys are having fun playing with the new pup -- too cute!

Louise said...

Wow 14 years - doesn't it fly by! Cute, cute puppy and very cute blanket. Your bags are gorgeous and that fabric is just yummy!

Louise said...

Hi, me again - you've just been tagged!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthing day to you and a lovely birthday to your son as well! Teenage boys are a challenge, but oh so rewarding as well. There's nothing quite like watching boys grow into men. Congratulations on 14 years of parenting.